5 Things You Must Do To Stop Burning Your Grass When Using Outdoor Fire Pits

Gathering around a cozy outdoor fire pit in your patio or backyard can create unforgettable moments with family and friends. However, the joy of a fire pit can turn sour if it damages your precious lawn. To ensure your grass stays green and lush while enjoying the warmth and ambiance of your outdoor fire pit, follow these five essential tips.

1. Elevate Your Fire Bowl:

Raising your outdoor fire pit off the ground is a smart move when it comes to safeguarding your grass. Place it on a fire pit stand or sturdy bricks to create an insulating barrier between the flames and your lawn. This not only reduces the risk of burning your grass but also enhances airflow, allowing your grass to thrive.

2. Control the Size of Your Bonfire:

Size matters when it comes to wood-burning fire pits. A smaller, controlled fire conserves wood and reduces the risk of overheating the surrounding area. Avoid piling excessive logs or fuel into your fire bowl, as this can lead to intense heat that may scorch your lawn. A well-maintained, modest fire will provide a more enjoyable and grass-friendly experience.

3. Choose a Deep Fire Bowl and Fill it with Sand:

Opting for an outdoor fire pit with a deep bowl and filling it with sand is a fantastic way to add an extra layer of protection. Sand acts as an efficient insulator, absorbing and dissipating heat effectively. This extra safeguard significantly decreases the risk of grass burns around your fire pit area.

4. Utilize a Heat-Resistant Mat for Extra Grass Protection:

One of the best tools to protect your grass when using firepits for outside patios is a heat-resistant mat. These mats are designed to create an additional layer of shielding between your fire pit and the ground. Placing a heat-resistant mat underneath your fire pit adds an extra level of protection against intense heat. Crafted from fireproof materials, these mats can withstand high temperatures, ensuring that your grass remains untouched. They come in various sizes and designs to match your fire pit and outdoor decor.

5. Keep Up with Regular Lawn Maintenance:

Proactive lawn care is crucial in preventing grass burns. Keep your grass well-watered and healthy. If you notice any bare spots or damaged areas near your fire pit, reseed or re-sod as needed. Maintaining a healthy lawn can help it recover more quickly from any heat-related damage.


Outdoor fire pits can be a delightful addition to your outdoor space, providing warmth and ambiance. To ensure your grass remains green and vibrant, follow these tips: elevate your fire bowl, control the size of your bonfire, consider a deep bowl with sand, employ safety accessories like heat-resistant mats, and maintain your lawn regularly. By practicing responsible fire management and being mindful of fire safety, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable outdoor fire pit experience with your loved ones.

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